Friday, March 07, 2008

Super-Sized THANKS!

To Floyd and Clarissa...
Floyd, thank you so much for giving so generously of your time and skills in helping us get the house ready to go on the market! And Clarissa, thank you for loaning us your one-and-only, Saturday after Saturday. It wouldn't be ready today if it weren't for you guys and knowing it's all done and done well is such a weight off our shoulders! We love you guys!

To Dick and Sue...
Wow, talk about coming to our rescue! Heee...and I really do have to be careful what I post to my blog, don't I?! I posted that I was trying to win a vacuum as mine is reaching for that big dust bunny in the sky and we are moving from a home with mostly hardwood to one with mostly carpet. You two pulled out your almost new vacuum and just gave it to us! I feel bad that it's too heavy for Sue to use since her arm injury, but you could have sold it to get a lighter one! You guys are too much! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!

To Ernie...
my talented and generous friend. The realtors have told us we should de-personalize our home a bit to help sell it, so potential buyers can imagine themselves living here, with their own pics on the walls instead of ours. Our walls were literally covered with my children's photos! I didn't have a lot of money to invest in new artwork, or the time to paint it, or the real skill to photograph anything but my children. But Ernie, bless her heart, had taken some WONDERFUL photos that she generously shared with me. After printing at and mounting to bristol board and poster-frames, my living room looks substantially more buyer-friendly. My only regret is that I couldn't mount and frame them with better materials. Someday, they will be though, Ernie! You've got some serious skill, woman!