Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wow, I actually had a little time last night to scrap for my own challenge! I miss doing this! I have had to post my challnges but never got to actually complete them, it seems, because I have had so much homework. Tomorrow I will be taking the last of my final exams and I'm prepared for it, so took some time to do a layout. Heeee...should have ben wrapping presents, but alas...they'll be there tomorrow!

This LO is for the Calendar Crop tonight from 10-11pm et in the SBB chatroom. All papers and tags are from Dianne Rigdon at Shabby Elements, and ribbons are from Vera Lim at SBB. And the girl...well she is our gift from God! :)


JenLo said...

Wow. That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE this Laurie - now go get those presents wrapped! lol!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww... what a sweet layout! Well worth putting off wrapping gifts for! :)