Thursday, May 25, 2006

UGH! I exercised yesterday and today, for the first time in probably 6 years. I know. Sad. But in my defense, during that time, my dh lost his leg in a serious accident, and I had a daughter born profoundly deaf, who had a bazillion doctors' appointments, therapists and surgery. I was also homeschooling my two boys and woring parttime. And this last Sept. I went back to college. So life was more than a little full. But, during that time, I went back to my old habits of eating for comfort as it seemed the only thing in my life I could control, and totally blew off exercising. I know, what exactly was I in control of? Not a thing. My weight went up, up, up- I won't even type the number here because I'll want chocolate to ease the pain.
So, feelin crappy, in one kind of pain or another most of the time, hating what I see in the mirror, and the knowledge that I am the only one within 20 miles that my daughter can fully communicate with via ASL, other than her interpreters, has pushed me to getting a little more serious about getting a grip. And we are planning a short trip later in the year and how mortifying it would be to have to ask the stewardess for a seatbelt extension!
Yesterday, I dug out my old sneakers, dusted them off, laced them up and joined Amy for a rather ambitious walk up a killer hill. And today's walk was longer and worse. The weather was awesome, but the hill long and steady. I was out of breath in the first 200 steps, panting heavily and red-faced, but having someone else with you forces you to not give up out of sheer embarrassment! So on I trudged-er-powerwalked! Not sure how long it was yesterday, but today was about 3.5 miles. Not bad! But, I have three blisters to show for it- two on my achilles tendons and one on an arch. Bandaids helping and going to do it again tomorrow. GottaGottaGotta! My new mantra. GottaGottaGotta! Ibuprofen is my friend. GottaGottaGotta.


Anonymous said...

That LO is KILLER - I LOVE LOVE it to pieces!! And, congratulations to you for getting back into exercising - I too recently started up again after oh soooo many years - one step at a time girl!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laurie.. I can totally feel your pain about getting .. well lets just say not carring our weight as gracefully anymore.. I am the same.

I have recently gotton back on the work out bandwagon. But that isn't my point.. A few years ago i was very over weight, excersise was very painful. They have some videos/DVD's at walmart. its called walk away the pounds. You can do these at home. its a set of 4 .. 1 mile 2 mile 3 mile and 4. I really liked them, they were low impact and didn't kick my butt but i was able to walk away from the day feeling like i had had a good work out. With copious amounts of water, good diet and eventually 2 hours of these videos a day i lost 30 pounds.. so.. check that out.


Helen said...

Hello Laurie
You left a comment at my blog and I wanted to respond to it but could only find a link to your blog so here I am. LOL.
Thanks for your comments it is nice to know someone reads and appreciates ones blog stuff. I have not had it for very long so thank you.
On the NYC visit -- we are in New Zealand and so it is a long long way for us to go and is a business trip as well as personal and due to the distance and expense involved we can't take the boys with us. I have a friend coming to live in with them for the month we are away and they have their very active grandparents just next door as well to help keep them all in line. We are in NYC from July 7th -- July 12 and are attending a fancy foods trade show at the Jarvits Centre for 3 days over that time and yes we do have out hotel booked thank you. We are booked into the Beacon. Anyway thanks again for your visit to my blog and your comments :)

Helen -- aka Belles

Oh ps how did you put the word verification in here for people doing comments?

Ernie Hendrix said...

Love this layout!! It is just wonderful. So artistic and yet very 'scrapbook' at the same time. And it (almost) makes me want to put my exercise shoes on and get going again!!