Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hey! Check it out! Here is a slide show of our home, the one we are selling. Email me Email Me EMAIL ME if you might know anyone who'd be interested! 18 acres, 30 x 60 pole barn with lights, heat and concrete floor and 4BR home.

Go to ImageShack® to Create your own Slideshow


Anonymous said...

Hey L!

Both of your homes are LOVELY! I didn't know you were blogging again! YEAH!!! Thanks for the kind words for my dd. I'll update my blog on the outcome! I hope your moving and selling goes smoothly! Oh yeah-the dinner invite is in the mail! LOL!

Lori said...

Oh Laurie... beautiful! Man, if I was brave enough to move out of state I'd definitely be interested! :)

Twelvestringlady said...

Laurie, I love your blog. I just got into doing it myself. You are so creative.
I have a foster family that lives in Newark Valley that is looking to buy a house. Who should I put them in touch with if they are interested? Let me know. My e-mail is:

Thanks girl.
