Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wow, I actually had a little time last night to scrap for my own challenge! I miss doing this! I have had to post my challnges but never got to actually complete them, it seems, because I have had so much homework. Tomorrow I will be taking the last of my final exams and I'm prepared for it, so took some time to do a layout. Heeee...should have ben wrapping presents, but alas...they'll be there tomorrow!

This LO is for the Calendar Crop tonight from 10-11pm et in the SBB chatroom. All papers and tags are from Dianne Rigdon at Shabby Elements, and ribbons are from Vera Lim at SBB. And the girl...well she is our gift from God! :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

BEFORE THE MELTDOWN. Anyone raising a perfectionist child? Yikes! I keep trying to find ways to help her loosen up, but she is soooo afraid of making a mistake that it either traumatizes her to tears to try a project like this (making paper snowflakes) or she refuses to try (school work from time to time- in school and they have to call me because she refuses to proceed!). What is it about these children that makes them soooo hard on themselves? I have been researching and am not really finding answers, just strategies to model behavior that shows it's okay to make mistakes, that wrong turns can turn into grand adventures, that the most wonderful creations can come from things we thought were mistakes! I was one of these kids too, pressured myself to achieve, but I don't think I started this young! But I do remember when a B grade would set me off to crying for hours. And I've tried very hard to NOT model THIS behavior. I took me 3o years or so to stop sweating the small stuff! I hope I can help her do the same. Any insights would be grand!
So we only got 4 paper snowflakes made before the meltdown because the shape she cut wasn't perfect enough. But we'll try some more this afternoon, after a little snack and before she gets tired. And the tree looks better already- sorry crummy photo. Our basement flooded last year and we lost all the Christmas decorations (including the hats my children wore in the hospital because 2 were born at Christmas time so we hung them on the tree- sniffsniff) but it was just "stuff," so no biggie (now, was kind of a biggie when it happened!).

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's All About Perspective...and keeping things in perspective. So this last week off from scool, I actually got a glimpse of my floor though the bottom of Mt. StLaundry! I got to really cook for my family, instead of just throwing hamburgers and toasted cheese sandwiches at them, and I remembered how much I enjoyed cooking for them! I was able to have guests over without being mortified at the condition my home was in. I have been known to actually lock the door and duck away from windows when an unexpected guest has arrived due to my embarrassment! I'm just kind of persnickety like that, dopey, I know. What all this did, was remind me of the reasons I went back to school in the first place, for my daugher, for our family. I did not go back for that degree, that little piece of paper, but for what learning the language could do for my Claire.

On that front, I did speak to my advisor and learned that they hired a Deaf man from Galludet to teach in January. He won't be up to full speed until fall 2007, so that is when I may go back for a class or two. Learning ASL from a native speaker would be a wonderful experience, I'm sure. So I will not be going back in January, and am looking forward to it more than you know. I need this break., The 3 hrs in the car per day was sucking the life out of me. Now just counting down the last few weeks of this semester, and trying not to lose my momentum!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A little layout action! I have been taking my kidders school pics every since they started school, first, because we were homeschooling then. When they started public school I continued mostly because th school's pics were just ghastly expensive for...well..ghastly pictures! We've had varying degrees of success, and anyone who says the older they get, the easier it will get...well, they lie!:) This year's did come out pretty nicely though. And here is a layout done with Dianne Rigdon's Joyous Kit found at, and the sketch came from Layout Blueprints.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I will be including this little banner in my blog for a couple of weeks as I get to host this chat! It should be fun and I know they are giving away several coies of the book as prizes, and I think everyone who comes will get a discount coupon for the book.

Here are two websites to tell you more about the product:;

Friday, November 24, 2006

Grrrrrr, I thought I would save myself the madness of the 5am sales today by shopping online at My boys both need some blue jeans and they had the Levi's on sale for $12/pr. I logged in at 5am, coffee in hand, curled up on the sofa with comforter, thinking what a wonderful way to snag those Black Friday Doorbusters. Apparently, a lot of other folks felt the same way (which is good thing, right?), but...Walmart was not prepared to handle the online barrage any more than they are ever prepared to handle it at the stores. I have been trying to checkout for more than 7 hours now.

Then, to make my day even better, I got a note from the college this morning saying they had miscalculated my credits, and that I will be two shy of graduating in Dcember. Unbelievable! But ya' know what, the class I really want to take isn't even being offered next semester- ASL IV. So I will not likely go back until it is. I a just so disgusted that they dissolved the courses in the program in which I was enrolled, that this is just the cherry on top.

Crab session over. Leftovers to look forward to tonight! And I do mean that! Thanksgiving dinner is even more wonderful the next day. And it was all the sweeter for me to cook it yesterday as I haven't really had the time to cook in a long time, the way I used to. And Levi helped me. He peeled potatoes and made an oreo cheesecake, and while he was only in the kitchen about 20-25 minutes with me, it ws nice to make that brief connection. And he seemed to really enjoy cooking! My boy is growing up too fast, so I'll relish each and every one of these moments!

Monday, November 20, 2006

OMGoodness! Blogging only two days apart! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT POSSIBLE! :) Probably the same person who thought they could teach me to typs, but hey, ya gotta keep trying! And while I hate to plagerize someone else's blog, my friend J. posted this on her's and it is HYSTERICAL!!!!

She also posted this unbelievably scrumptious recipe that I'd requested and I just HAVE to pass it on. One of these days, when I have the time to figre out how to link her in my sidebar, you'll be able to go read her funny antics for yourself. The girl should really write for a living! But seriously, try this recipe. It may look like an odd combination of ingredients, but it is AMAZINGLY DELISH!

Cranberry Cheese Spread

8 oz cream cheese, 1 Tbs orange juice, 1/3 cup pecans or walnuts. Mix these 3 ingredients together.

1-1/2 cups fresh cranberries coarsely chopped
4 green onions (scallions)
1 heaping Tbs canned jalepenos chopped
1-1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp ginger
3-4 Tbs fresh cilantro
Mix the second batch of ingredients together and refrigerate for 4 hours, THEN combine with the first set of ingredients.

Top with cranberries and cilantro, serve with crackers.

Thanks J! Hugs, Girlfriend!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hmmmm, my almost 14yo ds is learning the value of keeping his word. He had an airsoft party here last weekend and because of a serious slug streak he possesses, we made him sign a contract that went something like this: I (ds) will
help with the cleanup after the party without complaint, until it's finished and do so in a timely manner. In return, his dad and I agreed to pretty much just provide lots of food and stay out of the immediate vicinity, and not to make out in front of his friends :). All went well until today when we found garbage from the party- chip bags, pizza boxes, etc...blowing all over the yeard. He was supposed to have burned the trash and instead, stuck the bag behind the house and forgot about it, until the wind or furry critter ripped it open and scattered it for 1/2 a mile! Grrrr. So, he di not honor hispart of the bargain, and is spending Thanksgiving break grounded. Oh well, a parent's gotta do what a parent's gotta do!

Cheerier note: Check out Ali's new blog and some awesome digi-sales she's got happening:

And Jen, I have been thinking about that amazing dip you made for the Mother-Daughter Tea a few years ago because I FINALLY found ciantro in my grocery store today! Post it on your blog, please? Pretty Please???? :) On my way there to beg now !

Thanks so much for your patience with this blog and me. Somehow the template seems to have altered itself- pulling the sidebar information to the bottom- just looks dopey. I was hoping that, by switching templates altogether, the info would be back in place where it should be, but seems it just plugged my old info into the new background. Hate messing with html! It's just a big old tech-hemmrhoid!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Baaad Blogger strikes again! But I had to help spread the word about an awesome 24hr sale Maya is having : Her store is HERE.
Must go shopping after classes today, must go shopping must go shopping must go shoppng. Greeeaat that's what I'll be thinking about instead of studying! Heeee.

I am soooo counting down the days until the semester's end. I will be graduating in December. I'm sad to see it ending, but relieved as well. Spending 3 hrs a day behind the wheel is sucking the life out of me! My house looks pretty bad and my children have forgotten that mommy used to be a great cook once upon a time. Looking forward to January!

Anyway, check out Maya's sale today if you get a chance. You already know her designs are wonderful, not the prices are better than ever!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Grrrr....still no word on this cough! Thanks for the prayers and
good thoughts though, maybe no news is good news. The ENT scoped
my nose and throat (that was fun-eww!) and said, "Wow, that sure
is red in there! (DER- coughing for 9 mos now!) But the good news
is, no pollyps." So that is good news although my kidders were
disappointed they aren't getting a 3-6 week break( the amount of
time I would have to be silent after removal of pollyps from what
I understand)from mom's haranging! But I have to have yet another
CT scan, this time of my sinuses. I am going to be positively
G-L-O-W-I-N-G, although green is not really my best color. He kept
asking if I had heartburn, and I said repeatedly that I did not.
Apparently acid reflux can cause a persistant and sever ough. But
I do not have heartburn. I only get that when preggers and THAT
is not the case. But enough of this cough chat. Boring and aggra-
Here are a few LO's going up at SBB this week, as seen in the
newsletter. These were done to help promote designs by Meredith
Fenwick and DaniB. I am sooo fortunae to work with such talentd
ladies and their designs are truly a pleasure to work with.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I know, it's been awhile. I think after my last post with the catscan, I was kind of afraid to post again...kind of "if I don't write it, nothing bad can happen." I know, hokey.
Tomorrow is my appt with the ENT guy. No clue what he will say ir do. Cough is the same, no better or worse. I'm reallllly wondering about an allergy. It has been an incredibly wet couple of years in our area, with flooding 3 times in two years. While we haven't had a problem because we're on high ground, ourbasement is damp. This is the first year (after living here for 16 yrs) I've ever battled mold in the bathroom. And grrrr...we just renovated the bath last year and the contractor guarranteed this caulk to never mold- bunk! But What got me thinking about that is waking up with my head on Steve's chest and hearing a ery similar rattle there! Hey- that's not normal! He said he's had it a few months, just hadn't shaken a cold. Sorry, you're only 45, Dude! Colds shouldn't hang on for 3 months! And the cat spends her day on our bed or sleeping on our jeans shelf. She is short-haired and sheds more than any longhaired we EVER had! So I don't know...just tossing around ideas in my head, and trying to find any explanation other than that catscan.

Rona, the scraping diva ronagavino, tagged me! The little dickens! But while it's only one question, it was a tough one to answer! here is the tag:

"List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether or not they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal/blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to."

So here are mine:
1. Mountain of God by ThirdDay
2 Amazin Love by Bebo Norman
3. Above All by Michael W.
4. Healing Rain by Michael W. Smith
5. Once in a Lifetime by Keith Urban
6. Shhh/Peaceful by Miles Davis
7. PickYourself Up by Dianna Krall

I like Christian Contemporary, Jazz and alternative - I like music to help me work, not distract me from it!

So I am tagging:
Crystal & Thad
And Dianne, I was going to tag you, but it look slike you have more than enough on your plate :). So I won't hunt anyone down, if you happen to find this, have fun and play along! I know how busy everyone is, so no obligation- just jump in if you like!

Friday, August 18, 2006

CT SCAN. Been there, done that. And looks like I will need to do it again in Jan. This is a picture of what a ct scan on the lungs looks like- very thin slices or the lungs, from what I understand. When I went to the pulminologist, she did a chest xray, found a shadowy looking area, did a CT scan. She looked at it, and said- and I quote, "Oh it's nothing to write home about, no worries." I breathed a sign of relief and on we went, looking to ferret out the cause of this cough. Well, had to go back this week again and she briefly whizzed through this statement and on into the conversation: "You had the ct scan last week and the radiologist has a few concerns and wants to repeat it in January." and on to other things she moved. WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!!! It took me a bit to process- she talks very fast and it wasn't until that evening that I actually thought about that statement, chewed and worried on it all night and called her the next day. "What do you mean he had some concerns?" I asked.
"I told you it was a shadow, possibly some scar tissue."
"No, you said it was nothing to write home about and moved on. Why am I coming back in Jan for this?"
"I told you, it was a shadow, possiby some scar tissue, and the radiologist wants to look at it again in January."
"No, your exact words were-"It's Nothing To Write Home About!" What concerns- if it's scar tissue, it's not dangerous and not growing, right?"
"Most likely. He just wants to repeat the test in January."
"Repeat it now and get rid of it if it's concern-causing."
"We will wait till January."

Yeah, and exactly what are YOU waiting on? I'm the one waiting and worrying! I'm the one with three children to plan for. I'm the one hacking up a lung and waking up with a stress cold sore! Darn it all anyway! I loved this doctor until this very moment. It's easy to be cavalier with someone else's life!

I have to give this to God, because I am not dealing with it very well on my own. It might well be nothing, but ya know, I would rather have not known about it than have it niggle and eat at me and intrude on my thoughts. Say a prayer, would ya? I've a feeling they will be much more helpful and reassuring than the medical proffesion at large.

Friday, August 11, 2006

AAACCCKKK! My Boys Are Making Me CRAZY!!!! Holy Cow! They fight and tattle from the moment they get up until their heads hit the pillow! "That's what little kids do," you say, right? Okay, I agree! But mine are 13 and 11!!!!! By the time Steve gets home I am ready to just hand them over and leave till bedtime! Testosterone Overload!!!! Ya' think I could sneak some Womens' Formula Vitamins or something into their ice tea and it might make a difference? I am ready to duct tape them together- arm to arm and leg to leg on one side. It'll either kill 'em or cure 'em! Eyeyiyi!!!

So I went back to the docs last week for this chronic cough I've had since Jan, and said the 2nd round of antibiotic and inhaler was again, making no difference. She made an appointment with a pulminologist for Sept 6th (yes, another month to wait!). I called back and asked them to put me on the cancellation list. Well they called Tues when I was already headed to town for groceries so I skipped the food and went there for 3 hours! Nothing definitive yet, but I feel like we are taking a much more proactive approach and will get to the bottom of it. And now I can be there when my children get off the bus after their first day of school! Yay!

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Slice of Summer!!!Chose this yellow watermelon at the local produce stand yesterday, just on a lark. It was just for fun and had two strikes against it to start with- it was very small and not seedless. Hey, I have two teen boys, a daughter and Steve and watermelon is my personal fave, so they usually need to be pretty big!And seeds- well, we've just gotten spoiled with the seedless varieties. But OMGosh! This watermelon was sooooo sweet and wonderful!!!! Probably sweeter than any red I've ever had! It was WONDERFUL! ANd the color was just so pretty on the plates. So if you get the chance to try a yellow watermelon, don't pass it up!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hehehehehhe, so am I the worst blogger ever, or what?! ALl good intentions, I would just rather read about other folks lives than write about my own. I LOVE my life, just that it's probably not too exciting for anyone other than me!

I recently made the aquaintance of Nicole Hinrichs, a very talented digital artist whose galleries I could spend hours gazing at! She will be interviewed as well in an upcoming ezine, what a fun job I have! But Nicole's work inspired me to explore some of my other creative leanings, maybe a little less than conventional. This is when I need to remember that art is something I create for myself and those I love, not necessarily for the approval of others.

Saturday afteroon, Levi and Ben had like 8 friends here to run through the fields shooting air-soft guns. They had lots of fun. I was trying to figure out how to feed all of them economically so I didn't break my grocery budget for the month. Thought about spaghetti, big hit, but big mess with that many. Ended up with the old stand-by, pizza. Surprisingly, only came to like $25 for two sheets, so it really was a bargain when you factor in how many we were feeding!

Monday, June 26, 2006

My dd turned 7 last week and we decided it was time for her first tea party! The whole thing was inspired by some of Dianne’s gorgeous papers, right down to choosing the tea pot and cups! I know, probaly a bit backwards in my approach, but it worked!:) First, I used the Loving Hands Petalcards for the invitations, complete with vellm inserts, then the Little Man papers and Simply Marvy Alpha for the napkin rings/placeholders, and the Pursonally Yours template for the favors. These came out sooo cute! They were real little purses with velcro closures under the buttons, and jeweled headbands for the straps. They held “princess” buttos, candies and lipgloss for the little ladies. The girls had choc-dipped strawberries, croissants with strawberry cream cheese, and iced cookies in the shapes of a dress, hat, purse, high-heeled shoe, teapot and teacups! Total Fun!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Haven't posted in a bit. My father-in-law passed away on the 30th of May. He had been really struggling with Parkinsons, so I'm glad he is not fighting that anymore and has been reunited with his wife of over 40 years and his Saviour. It's been about 2 yrs since I've seen him as he lived out of state and we just didn't have the funds to travel with all the kids and Steve didn't have vaca time built up yet, but he went down to see him about a year ago. It was a difficult visit for Steve as his dad no longer recognized him, or did so only intermittantly, and they were very close when Dad lived here. But he knows it can happen to any of us. I am trying to do some LO's of my fil before the memorial service on Friday, and trying to find a good balance of individual pics of him as well as a couple of him with the boys. There will be other family and friends bringing photos for the memory boards as well, and I want them to have lots of room for their photos.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

UGH! I exercised yesterday and today, for the first time in probably 6 years. I know. Sad. But in my defense, during that time, my dh lost his leg in a serious accident, and I had a daughter born profoundly deaf, who had a bazillion doctors' appointments, therapists and surgery. I was also homeschooling my two boys and woring parttime. And this last Sept. I went back to college. So life was more than a little full. But, during that time, I went back to my old habits of eating for comfort as it seemed the only thing in my life I could control, and totally blew off exercising. I know, what exactly was I in control of? Not a thing. My weight went up, up, up- I won't even type the number here because I'll want chocolate to ease the pain.
So, feelin crappy, in one kind of pain or another most of the time, hating what I see in the mirror, and the knowledge that I am the only one within 20 miles that my daughter can fully communicate with via ASL, other than her interpreters, has pushed me to getting a little more serious about getting a grip. And we are planning a short trip later in the year and how mortifying it would be to have to ask the stewardess for a seatbelt extension!
Yesterday, I dug out my old sneakers, dusted them off, laced them up and joined Amy for a rather ambitious walk up a killer hill. And today's walk was longer and worse. The weather was awesome, but the hill long and steady. I was out of breath in the first 200 steps, panting heavily and red-faced, but having someone else with you forces you to not give up out of sheer embarrassment! So on I trudged-er-powerwalked! Not sure how long it was yesterday, but today was about 3.5 miles. Not bad! But, I have three blisters to show for it- two on my achilles tendons and one on an arch. Bandaids helping and going to do it again tomorrow. GottaGottaGotta! My new mantra. GottaGottaGotta! Ibuprofen is my friend. GottaGottaGotta.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This is a total BRAG log today! I am so pleased- I logged into the campus website and found out I got an A in all of my classes this semester! Yay! GPA is 3.89 because I had one B+ in there from last semester. Grrr...oh well, whatcha gonna do? I only ranted about that for a little while- after all, I am a grownup now- or cleverly disguised as one.

But the thing I am most thrilled about that I had to post here is that My 11yo son Ben earned his Brown Belt in TaeKwonDo last night! WooHoo Ben This is not a scaled down belt for kidders, but he has to go through the same tests and learn the same forms as the adults, and spars with adults! He is awesome and has worked sooo hard to get here! We were on the same level until this last semester when I stopped because I was just too busy with school, but he kept going, and pushed though! Ben- you Rock, Baby!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My ASLII class has ended for the semester, just need to finish workig on a video conversation with my partner for a final grade. The children's book I was working on is done and ready to be handed in tomorrow- will post pics of that tomorrow. aone final examleft for this semester and that is next Wed. The end is in sight! I want to get working on ArtsyMama's challenges but haven't dared really start because I know how I am with projects- it's all or nothing. I will fall into it, headfirst and won't surface for air until it is completed, so NEED to make sure I have all my fonal projects for classes done first.
Someone send me a maid for my b-day, pplllleeeaaassee??? My ouse looks like a bomb went off! Clutter has run wild since I went back to school. Guess I know what I'll be doing for a week or two after classes end! Can I add on to my maid request? A dumpster would be a very nice accompaniment!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

WooHoo! I am very excited! I am going to participate in a new challenge, kind of a cross between an art journal and scrap album,and you can find it here. ArtsyMama is the host and has a wealth of information at her blog. And it will gve me the needed break from studying and help me keep up better with my sadly neglected blog here! :) A..N..D.. it's yet anothr great excuse to not start the daunting task of decluttering my house! Hey, all this clutter is fodder for my pages, right? hehehhe

Friday, April 14, 2006

So last night, Steve and I coached our first t-ball practice! What fun! Steve has coached Little League for several years now, but Levi started right off in LL, not in t-ball. Claire wanted to play, and of course we want her to know she can do anything the boys can, and anything a hearing child can. The clinchers to the deal were - hehehehhe - the hot pink batting helmet and glove we found at Dick's. Too cute. Those kids were sooooo adorable! We had them practice hitting, throwing and running the bases. Running the bases took a few times as they kind of ran to wherever they saw their mom, dad or grandma standing, rather than to 1st, 2nd and 3rd, but they got there eventually. It was really funny, and just plain fun! Nice to play again for the love of it instead of to win! And right now, they just want to have fun, Winnning? ...Everybody wins!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Week 1 Top 10 List - 10 worst habit or things I would change about me...
Top 10 Challenges found weekly here:
Keely's list read like it could have been mine!
1. I am ALWAYS late! Not so much with tasks and commitments, just in arriving anywhere everywhere! Smeone once told me it was selfishness- NOT- and I thought thay were being very judgemental. I am just not organized with my time! which brings me to
2. I am NOT organized. Not with my stuff, clothed, scheduling, anything.
3. I am obsessive with being perfect at the tasks I do take on (althgouh obviously not with my typing!).
4. I hate the way I feel about my body- BLECHT!
5. I wish I could stick with a diet and exercise routine, might have an effect on #4
6. I am not patient enough with my children. Sometimes I feel like I teat strangers better than my own family and I hate that because I love them so much!
7. Can't seem to stick with a devotional schedule. Have always wanted to, but doesn't last long, no matter how many times I restart it! But I keep trying.
8. I wish my brain absorbed and assimilated sign language much faster than it is! I want to know it NOW! Forwards and Backwards!
9. I wish I could let go for good of some things that have happened in the past. I think I have forgiven the parties, but is it really forgiving if it stll haunts me?
10.I get motion sickness REALLY easily! Even reading the sides of tractor trailers that pass us on the highway can trigger nausea- NOT fun!
Your Turn!

So I was so excited to finally have my header on top of this baby, that I actually posted my blog addy at SBB and put it into my siggy at AllyScraps! Not that you will find anything but my extraordinarily bad typing and day to day rambling here, but fun to know it's out there.Just watched FlightPlan last night with Jodi Foster- Good movie- very suspenseful! Signed on to Netflicks yesterday as the VCR side of our DVD/VCR player up and died. And living in the sticks, we get no- and I mean NO tv reception! But the downside is that we have about 300 video tapes! Buuuutttt, I just had an epiphany- I don't ever have to watch another John Wayne Movie! YESSSS! Oh wait- they come in dvd to? I won't tell m dh and son if you don't! And if you do, I WILL FIND YOU! :)

So I was tagged this week! Heeee, it's like getting a little party invitation! But it's a tough tag! I am supposed to tell you about a person I admire and 4 reasons why I admire that person. There are too many people I admire to pick just one! Can I pick 4 (or maybe 40) and list 1 trait of each? heee, so who exactly am I expecting to answer that question- the Tag Police?
Let's see, I admire Keely, because of the obstacles and prejudice she has overcome and her amazing victorious spirit!
Amy Edwards, because she runs this amazing and HUGE business and because she is simply a dear friend and knows when I need a hug.
Ronalyn Barut and her awesome photography skills.
Sonya Johnston, Zee Helmick and Raechel Knight, ad Helen O'Daniel for their generous spirits in sharing their time and talents with me.
Dianne Rigdon who manages to design and homeschool and be a great wife and mom all at the same time!
Marie Brooks who has weathered more storms and risen like cream to the top!
And the list just goes on and on and on!
So Tag Police...catch me if you can, but not before I tag...Raechel!

Okay, so anyone know if there is Spell Check for blogs because my typing is horrid! But I am not likely to go back and fix stuff, so I gess y'all will have to put up with me and my typos or read elsewhere!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

WooHoo! Rachel Knight, aka knightsgal, is one fab chica! She helped me gussy up this baby! For the life of me, I couldn't find where to insert the url into the html to get my header in the right place! But she made it look like a cake walk. Some folks just have the knack, and are sweet enough to share it. Thank you Raechel!

Made this today using papers from Dianne Rigdon and ele's from Dani Brath. It was for a scraplift challenge at This is a friend of ours at the baseball field with his new son. I just loved the masculinity and the delicacy of the dad and new babe in the photo.

Well it's after midnght, and I sooo need to go to bed! Kids have off tomorrow so you can bet, I'm gonna need my strength :). Hopefully will get to do my tag and Top 10.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I was all set to whine, but....

Keely tagged me!!!! I was feeling all kinds of cruddy about my weekend that was supposed to be fabulous, and then Keely ( wrote the sweetest things and tagged me! So as soon as I get the lowdown on how t tag others, I will do that. Thanks Keely!

So my fabulous weekend with Steve at a B& the loo-seriously! We went and had one wonderful eve on Friday- hot tub, fireplace, and no inerruptions- BLISS! Then Saturday morning, I woke up with some kind of serious stomach flu- spent the entire day on the sofa at our little getaway, barfing! Same thing Sunday when we came home and found out from the sitter that two of my three kidders had started barfing in the middle of the night as well! So not only do I have three hurling chunks, but a totally trashed house (male babysitters are fab with kids, but definitly don't think to keep the house in the same condition he found it in- to his credit though, e did dump the barf bowls and make sure the kids had showered), and not a clean blanket, sheet, pillow or towel in sight! AARRGGH! And then I findout that the mom who was supposed to cover the baseball carpool for me Friday eve totally forgot she had agreed to do it and was tee'd off at me and the other mom for not bringing her son home! Hello! We covered this! ......So Keely, you REALLY did brighten my day!

Did a very fun scraplift challenge today at SBB and gave me the perfect opportunity to sue this photo of my subversive son's Note Passing Pen. I picked it up to write with it, and discovered why it wouldn't write- because it had notes rolled up inside! Heeee..consoling myself that he is preparing for work in the CIA or FBI. Yeah, that's it!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Make it count!

Make every day count! Hug your babies, your hubby, your cat! Heard it all before? Do it anyway! I just heard yesterday that a very sweet 19yo girl from one of my sign language classes is in critical condition. Her water bottle rolled forward and got jammed under the break pedal of her car, causing a very serious car accident. This girl is one in a million. And so are you. Please, buckle up, don't leave things unsaid, hug those you care about, and just smile sweetly at everyone else. Yours may be the last one they see.
Sorry, had to get that in, not that anyone reads this as I haven't posted the addy anywhere, but just in the off chance that you happen to see it, there it is.
I found a very sweet little paper-scrapping site the other day called The ladies there are awesome and here was this forum for digital scrappers that not a soul had posted to it! Well you know me, I just couldn't pass it up without saying howdy to those nice ladies, and offering to field any questions they might have on digital scrapping. So I did. And they even had a digital gallery. So I popped in a few layouts. I have to say, I sure love looking at paper-scrapped projects, not that I am considering switching, but I find them very inspiring! I adore digital, it just works for my personality, lifestyle, lack of storage and work space, and pocketbook, and my home away from home is But these ladies have some wonderful layouts in there and altered projects. I hope I can help inspire them as much!
And along the scrapping avenue, Darn! I wanted to look at Katie the Scrapbook Lady's Month of Memories e-book but it looks like her site is undergoing a revamp, o can't access the store. Whiiiining here!
On a personal note, Steve and I are going to a B&B this weekend. He is taking 1/2 a day off from work and meeting me after my last class, and off we go! am sooooo excited, I can't even tell you! We ve been to this one before, and it is just wonderful. Steve, me, hottub and fireplace, and satellite radio for a little mood music. What could be better than that??!!! I am having the hardest time ever concentrating on my classes just knowing that is waiting at week's end. Lots to do before then though as I have a major exam Friday morning, the house to get in order for the sitter, casseroles to prepare for them, permission slips to draft for emergency medical treatment for the kidders, and on and on and on the list goes. But it will sooooo be worth it to have a little R&R with my honey!

Monday, April 03, 2006

I wanna know!

Osmosis! Someone with html knowlege lay your hands on your monitor and send me html vibes, will ya? Please? :) I want to jazz this baby into this decade, but have no clue how. Of course I only want to spend 30 minutes doing it, and that isn't too likely, is it. One of these days, maybe I'll work through the Help section and figure it out. Yep, I will, when I'm done with college, have learned ASL forward and backwards, my children are no longer demanding that I cook, clean launder and run to sports practices and events. Yep, that's when I'll do it! Until then...think, "Sending Laurie html vibes...html vibes...html vibes..."

Sunday, April 02, 2006

So who's big idea was this?

Miss Keely, that's who!!! Okay Keely, I now have a blog. Whether or not I'll actually remember to write in it is beyond me, but here she is. I wold love to figure out how to customize this uppy before I share the addy with anyone, and maybe I'll look like I actually have a clue to my techno-wizard brothers! Now that WOULD be fun!
Off to find tutorials on how to do this!